224 Lawrence Avenue
Lawrence NY 11559
Tommy Gregoretti
516 371 2100

Did your shipment come into the US with an odor or a stain? We will receive the stained goods, unpack the boxes, remove bags, hangers, hang tags and discard all waste. We will wash, treat for odor and/or stain, dry, fold and repack in provided boxes. We will separate by Color, Style and Solid Sizes. We will seal provided boxes with our tape. Affix Labels provided. Put back on Pallets and wrap. We work on weekends for this type of work and can handle a maximum of 10,000 pieces over any given weekend. In 2017 and 2018, not one job cost exceeded $.80 each.
Sustainable:We do our best to have the smallest impact on the environment through our high efficient water heaters, led factory lighting, environmentally-friendly cleaning products, and detergents.
Markets:Garment Importers

Incorrect Info: Let us know.

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