Sourcing A,B,C'S

Product ID 120

Sourcing A,B,C'S
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We published this 16 page booklet to assist all new designers and entrepreneurs sourcing apparel production for the first time.

You have an idea for a new garment, apparel concept, clothing line or product that doesn’t exist at retail... or…. You are a designer planning to start out on your own...   or.... Your existing locally-made product line has grown and you need to outsource production...   

If any of the these scenarios are the case and you are traveling to a trade show or sourcing event to research how to produce this new idea/garment/product line, then this booklet is for you.

Price: $12.99
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1 Product Reviews - Average rating 4.5 / 5 (Show All)
Good starter book!
- 11th February 2009
Just got it. It answered many of my questions. Very good for the price.

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