Structural Components

    ACTIVE TRIMMING COMPANY  Carry all possible items for apparel manufacturing. A wide variety of boning, underwire, v/separaters & more. We also carry RIRI zipper. Domestic & import. Also, locations in China & Korea....

    A G H TRIMSOURCE  Boning, horsehair, fitting cloth, snaps, etc. Cater to all sportswear & swimmwear markets....

    CLEVIS BEND  Quality brassiere & corset supplies including but not limited to: hooks, rings, slides, straps, bows, cups, boning & TPU elastic....

    FARTHINGALES   Canadian source shipping worldwide. Quality corset supplies. An extensive selection of coutil & corset bones, spiral bones and busks. Cater to the costumer or bridal and evening wear designer....

    HEMPTIQUE  Design, manufacture and distribute eco-friendly hemp cording, yarn, webbing and other hemp and natural-fiber products....

    HIGGINS SUPPLY COMPANY, INC.  Manufactures garment boning (Flex Stay-patented, whitebone, spiral, plastic), underwires, orthopedic hardware/stays/splints in aluminum, steel & plastic. CAD, metal stamping/forming, plastic extrusion & powder coating....

    PANDA INTERNATIONAL TRADING  Carry all possible items for apparel manufacturing. A wide variety of boning, underwire, v/separaters & more. We also carry RIRI zipper. Domestic & import. Also, locations in China & Korea....

    QST INDUSTRIES, INC.  "Everything you need inside, to make you look good outside". All types of linings, pocketings & structural components....

    SIMPLIFI FABRIC  Stock organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, tencel, soy and wool fabrics. Carry organic fleece, sherpa, terry, jersey, velour, flannel, denim, knits, lawn, canvas, muslin, merino wool. Also carry PUL (polyurethane laminate...

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