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Fashion industry veteran Michael P. Londrigan is the Vice President for Academic Affairs at LIM College. He was promoted to this position in January of 2017. Michael joined LIM College in 2008 as the Chair of the Fashion Merchandising Department and was promoted to Dean of Academic Affairs (undergraduate) in 2013.

Michael arrived at LIM College with nearly 30 years of experience in the apparel industry focusing on retail, wholesale and textiles. He has a strong background in product development along with extensive executive sales, marketing and merchandising skills. He holds an MBA in Marketing from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Michael is the author two textbooks Menswear: Business to Style, published by Fairchild Books and Fashion Supply Chain Management published by Bloomsbury in 2018.

He has held a number of positions throughout his career, including National Sales and Marketing Manager for Ulster Weavers, Sales Executive for Regal Menswear, Managing Director of U.S. Marketing for Cotton Incorporated, Vice President of Sales at Harper Industries, Account Executive at Oxford Industries, and Associate Menswear Buyer for J.C. Penney. He also served as Project Coordinator for Social Accountability International’s “New York City Factory of the Future Project.”

Michael Londrigan

Vice President for Academic Affairs
LIM College

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